Tuft cells are a key intestinal epithelial cell type found in gastrointestinal (GI) tract, responsible for promoting intestinal epithelial cells proliferation, activation of immune responses and protective roles in GI diseases such as colitis and colorectal cancer.
Cell Applications, Inc. offers specialized medium optimized for enrichment of Tuft Cells. Attention to detail ensures ideal cell health, viability, performance, physiology, morphology, consistency and data. Carefully crafted, quality tested. CAI media are tested for sterility to confirm no bacteria, yeast or fungi contamination, and QC tests for correct pH, osmolality and lack of endotoxins. Bioassays affirm proper culture, growth, plating, karyotype, physiology, morphology, viability, population doublings, surface markers, cryopreservation, differentiation and/or induction.