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Instructions CnTMC


Canine Trabecular Meshwork Cells (CnTMC) are primary cells derived from canine eyes. CnTMC are cultured in Canine Trabecular Meshwork Cell Growth Medium and are able to propagate to 10 population doublings when cultured under the recommended conditions. Trabecular Meshwork cells are endothelial-like cells in a sponge-like connective tissue located near the front of the eye and are responsible for regualting eye pressure by controlling drainage of fluid into tubes that flow into the bloodstream. Outflow is mediated by alterations in contractility and tension of TM, which also serve as a self-cleaning filter due to their phagocytic nature. Live cell imaging of the cytoskeleton provides valuable information on actin dynamics in CnTMC. Other research aims to identify treatments that relax TM contraction to increase fluid outflow and lower eye pressure. Specific targeting of TM could also play a clinical role by increasing therapeutic efficacy of nanoparticles for gene delivery. Damage and dysfunction of TM have clinical significance. For instance, hypoxia increases DNA methylation, accompanied by altered gene expression, whereas during the normal aging process, TM number decreases, and senescent cells accumulate.
In Glaucoma, a leading cause of irreversible blindness, decreased fluid outflow causes an elevation of intraocular pressure and progressive loss of retinal ganglion cells. Physical changes to the TM include increased fibrosis, fibronectin accumulation, and expression of ECM cross-linking enzymes. This cytoskeletal reorganization and cell loss causes the TM to become rigid and stiff. Other glaucoma-related dysfunctions include mitochondrial defects, altered signaling pathways, elevated TGF-β2, genomic DNA defects, and oxidation damage.
Canine Trabecular Meshwork Cell: CnTMC Top: Phase-contrast, Bottom Left: CnTMC immunostained for alpha-Smooth Muscle Actin (green), Bottom Right: Fibronectin (green), nuclei are stained with DAPI.


TissueNormal healthy canine cornea
QCNo bacteria, yeast, fungi, mycoplasma, virus
BioassayAttach, spread, proliferate in Growth Med
Cryovial500,000 CnTMC frozen in Basal Medium w/ 10% FBS, 10% DMSO
KitCryovial frozen CnTMC (Cn634-05), Growth Medium (Cn631-500), Subculture Rgnt Kit (090K)
ProliferatingShipped in Tsfr Med, flasks or plates
DoublingsAt least 12
ApplicationsLaboratory research use only (RUO). Not for human, clinical, diagnostic or veterinary use.

Instructions CnTMC

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Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
Proliferating Canine Trebecular Meshwork Cells (CnTMC): Actively growing, dividing cells in medium Size: T-25 Flask CAT.#: Cn635-25 Price: $980.00
Proliferating Canine Trebecular Meshwork Cells (CnTMC): Actively growing, dividing cells in medium   Size: T-75 Flask CAT.#: Cn635-75 Price: $1,170.00
Proliferating Canine Trebecular Meshwork Cells (CnTMC): Actively growing, dividing cells in medium    Size: 96 Well CAT.#: Cn635-96W Price: $1,290.00
Cryopreserved Canine Trebecular Meshwork Cells (CnTMC): Frozen CnTMC (5x10^5) Size: 1 Cryovial CAT.#: Cn634-05 Price: $980.00
Cryopreserved Canine Trabecular Meshwork Cells Total Kit: 5x10^5 Cells, Medium & Subculture Reagents (See Details tab for specifics) Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: Cn634K-05 Price: $1,175.00

Related Products

Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
CnTMC Basal Medium : Basal medium (contains no growth supplement). Add GS before use. Size: 500 ml CAT.#: Cn630-500 Price: $98.00
CnTMC Growth Medium: All-in-one ready-to-use Size: 500 ml CAT.#: Cn631-500 Price: $136.00
CnTMC Growth Medium Kit: Basal medium & growth supplement sold together packaged separately Size: 500 ml CAT.#: Cn631K-500 Price: $148.00
CnTMC Growth Supplement: Added to Basal Medium to create Growth Medium Size: 50 ml CAT.#: Cn631K-GS Price: $65.00

Extended Family Products

Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
Freezing Medium: For general cryopreservation of most primary cells. Contains FBS & DMSO. Size: 50 ml CAT.#: 040-50 Price: $54.00
Human Fibronectin ELISA Kit: Human Fibronectin ELISA Kit Size: 96 Wells CAT.#: CL0349 Price: $500.00
Subculture Reagent Kit: 100 ml each of HBSS, Trypsin/EDTA & Trypsin Neutralizing Solution Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: 090K Price: $69.00


5 Important Cell Culture Rules

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