Instructions HiPSC
Cell Apps Flyer Human iPSC
Instructions iHCm
Instructions i-HCm
Instructions i-HNSC
Instructions 017DK i-HCm Differentiation Medium Kit


Integration-free HiPSC. Our HiPSC are generated with the RNA-based Sendai virus to deliver reprogramming factors to donor skin fibroblasts. Since the virus does not go through a DNA phase, its genetic material and transgenes do not integrate into the host cell genome. HiPSC are validated for viability, karyotype, pluripotency, plating efficiency, morphology, passage number and lack of contamination.
HiPSC-derived Neural Stem Cells (L) and Neurons (R).  i-HNSC stained w/ Nestin (neural stem cell marker, green), SOX 2 (stem cell marker, red) & DAPI (nuclear stain, blue). SOX2 & DAPI nuclear co-localization yields purple (Left).  Video: Human iPSC-Derived Neurons establish mature, synchronized neuronal network. In real time, Multi-electrode array (MEA) shows optimal electrophysiological activity, which can be modulated by neurotransmitters or small compounds (Right).
HiPSC-derived Cardiomyocytes (i-HCM) plated onto a flat culture surface pulsate in vitro (L), while iHCM printed into 3D heart tissue using a Cyfuse Regenova also beat (R)
Reprogramming triggers a cascade of evident changes in the host cells that are recognizable morphologically and through a combination of markers and pluripotency assays. Our HiPSCs display classic pluripotent stem cell morphology, with a high nucleus to cytoplasm size ratio, as well as they are amenable to be cultivated in serum-free media, independent of feeder cells and of feeder-conditioned media as colonies or high density monolayers. hiPSCs are also evaluated for the presence of karyotypic abnormalities. Confirmation of pluripotency is performed through the analysis of expression of several established independent pluripotency markers. Unguided differentiation confirms HiPSC ability to generate cell derivatives of tissues arising from the three embryonic layers.
Cell Characterization.  Post-thawing viability of HiPSCs is typically higher than 70%, and HiPSC have demonstrated coherent pluripotent behavior over more than 60 passages. Although it is in theory possible to propagate HiPSCs indefinitely, HiPSC subculturing over passages higher than is usually not recommended, as the chances of karyotypic abnormalities increase. HiPSCs are also tested to ensure absence of microorganism contaminants.



For Research Use Only - Not for Human or Clinical Applications

(Click to Enlarge) Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (HiPSC)
Top: HiPSC express pluriotency markers OCT4, Nanog, LIN28 and SSEA-4.  Bottom: HiPSC differentiate into cell derivatives from the 3 embryonic layers: Neuronal marker beta III tubulin (TUJ1), Smooth Muscle Actin (SMA) and Hepatocyte Nuclear Factor 3 Beta (HNF3b).


Cryopreserved HiPSC
SourceNeonatal Male (iPS11-10) or Adult Female (iPS12-10) human dermal fibroblasts (single donor), reprogrammed w/ replication-deficient Sendai virus
QCNo bacteria, yeast, fungi, mycoplasma, virus (Trace Sendai virus possible)
CofADonor, gender, tissue source, disease status, cell viability (post-thaw), plating efficiency, passage #, karyotype, pluripotency
Cryovial1,000,000 HiPSC (low passage) frozen in serum-free HiPSC Freezing Medium
MediumCells manufactured, maintained in serum-free, feeder-free culture conditions
DoublingsAt least 60 w/out lost morphology, phenotype
StorageLiquid Nitrogen
BioassayPSC morphology, growth behavior when grown in pluripotency conditions
ApplicationsNon-commercial research use only (RUO), not for human or clinical use
HiPSC Total Kits
(See HiPSC Medium for details)
ComponentVolItem No.oC
Cell Ampoule
1ml iPS11-10 or iPS12-10LN2
Growth Medium
Kit (015XFK-500)
Basal Med (014-500)
Gr Supp (015XF-GS)
Coating Solution, Xeno-Free25ml126XF-25-20C
Kit (091K)
PBS (060-50)
Dissoc Soln (076-25)


Instructions HiPSC

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Instructions i-HCm

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Instructions i-HNSC

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Instructions 017DK i-HCm Differentiation Medium Kit

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Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
Cryopreserved Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Total Kit, neonatal, male: 1x10^6 Cells, Medium, Coating Solution & Dissociation Soln (See Details tab for gender & specifics) Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: iPS11K-10 Price: $1,203.00
Cryopreserved HiPSC, from neonatal Male Dermal Fibroblasts: Frozen Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells derived from HDF (1x10^6) (Donor age, gender in details) Size: 1 Cryovial CAT.#: iPS11-10 Price: $795.00
Cryopreserved Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Total Kit, adult, female: 1x10^6 Cells, Coating Solution, Medium & Dissociation Soln (See Details tab for gender & specifics) Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: iPS12K-10 Price: $1,203.00
Cryopreserved HiPSC, from adult Female Dermal Fibroblasts: Frozen Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells derived from HDF (1x10^6) (Donor age, gender in Details Tab) Size: 1 Cryovial CAT.#: iPS12-10 Price: $795.00

Related Products

Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
HiPSC Growth Medium: All-in-one ready-to-use, growth supplements pre-added, no mixing necessary.  Recommend use within 2 weeks (Or use Kit for longer storage). Size: 500 ml CAT.#: 015XF-500 Price: $261.00
HiPSC Growth Medium Kit: Basal medium and growth supplement packaged separately Size: Yields 500 ml CAT.#: 015XFK-500 Price: $268.00
HiPSC Coating Solution: EHS Matrix Extract, pre-diluted and ready-to-use for coating tissue culture ware Size: 100 ml CAT.#: 126-100 Price: $50.00
HiPSC Coating Solution, Xeno-Free: Truncated Vitronectin, no animal components, pre-diluted and ready-to-use for coating tissue culture ware Size: 100 ml CAT.#: 126XF-100 Price: $193.00
HiPSC Dissociation Kit: 50 ml Dissociation Solution and 100 ml PBS, for subculture (passaging) of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: 091K Price: $64.00
HiPSC Freezing Medium: Serum-free freezing medium optimized for HiPSC Size: 50 ml CAT.#: 045-50 Price: $198.00
Human Cardiomyocyte Differentiation Medium Kit: Differentiation, Selection & Maintenance Media sold together, packaged separately. See Details Tab. Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: 017DK Price: $288.00

Extended Family Products

Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
Mouse ACTA2 Antibody: Mouse ACTA2 Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CP10399 Price: $457.00
Mouse Beta-Actin Antibody: Mouse beta-Actin Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CP10003 Price: $413.00
Mouse Beta-Actin Antibody: Beta-Actin Mouse Monoclonal Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CC10028 Price: $302.00
Mouse Lin28 Antibody: Mouse Lin28 Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CP10153 Price: $472.00
Mouse Nanog Antibody: Mouse Nanog Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CP10180 Price: $413.00
Rabbit Oct4 Antibody: Rabbit Oct4 Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CG1367 Price: $384.00
Mouse Oct4 Antibody: Mouse Oct4 Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CP10290 Price: $413.00
Mouse Tcf3 Antibody: Mouse Tcf3 Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CP10234 Price: $413.00
Cytofect Cell Line Transfection Kit (250 x 24-Wells): 250 x 24-Well Rxns Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: TF104K Price: $320.00
Cytofect Cell Line Transfection Sample Kit (25 x 24-Wells): 25 x 24-Well Rxns Size: 1 Sample Kit CAT.#: TF104KS Price: $68.00


Cell Apps Flyer Human iPSC

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Ma, X., X. Qu, W. Zhu, Y. Li, S. Yuan, H. Zhang, J. Liu, P. Wang, C. Lai, F. Zanella, G. Feng, F. Sheikh, S. Chien and S. Chen. 2016. Deterministically patterned biomimetic human iPSC-derived hepatic model via rapid 3D bioprinting. Proc Natl Acad Sci, 113:2206-2211.
Hribar, K., D. Finlay, X. Ma, X. Qu, M. Ondeck, P. Chung, F. Zanella, A. Engler, F. Sheikh, K Vuori and S. Chen. 2015. Nonlinear 3D projection printing of concave hydrogel microstructures for long-term multicellular spheroid and embryoid body culture. Lab on a Chip, 7:2412-2418.
Zanella F., R. Contu, R. Lyon, V. Mezzano, A. Castaneda, S. Perez, J. Wojciak, J. Roberts, C. Carromeu, G. Keller, A. Muotri, M. Scheinman and F. Sheikh. 2015. Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes show disease phenotypes correlating with clinical data from donor patients. ASCB, B1678/P2419 (118).
Zanella F., R. Contu, R. Lyon, V. Mezzano, A. Castaneda, S. Perez, J. Wojciak, J. Roberts, C. Carromeu, G. Keller, A. Muotri, M. Scheinman and F. Sheikh. 2014. Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Recapitulate Disease Manifestations and Severities of Patients with Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy. Stem Cell Meeting on the Mesa.
Zanella F, V. Mezzano, R. Lyon, C. Carromeu, G. Keller, A. Muotri, M. Scheinman and F. Sheikh. 2013. Human induced pluripotent stem cell models to uncover mechanisms underlying varying clinical symptoms associated with Arrhythmogenic Cardiomyopathy. Cell Symposia: Using Stem Cells To Model and Treat Human Disease, Session I: Modeling Disease Using Stem Cells.