MSDS Cryopreserved Cells
Instructions HOb Normal
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Human Osteoblasts (HOb) from Cell Applications, Inc. are Isolated from fetal or adult human bones.  The cells, positive for bone mineralization, provide an excellent model system for studies relevant to the skeletal system.  Additionally, osteoblasts from osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis donors are available.
Our HOb have been used to examine:
  • Actions, signaling pathways and cross-talk of growth factors, cytokines and interleukins
  • Nuclear factors and gene expression
  • Cell proliferation and differentiation
  • Bone formation, morphogenesis, and bone morphogenic proteins
  • Mechanisms behind bone disorders and defects including bone loss, osteoporosis, osteoclast inhibition, periodontitis, arthritis and related matrix metalloproteinase production
  • Cancers, such as osteosarcoma and oncogenes. For the pharmaceutical industry, the cells have been pivotal in developing
  • New pharmaceutical treatment strategies and drug delivery methods
  • Orthopedic implants and tissue engineering have also been positively impacted by osteoblast research
(Click to Enlarge) Human Osteoblasts: HOb (L). Von Kossa stained- Human Osteoblasts (R). Bone forming cells.


Normal healthy human bone
No bacteria, yeast, fungi, mycoplasma, virus 
Bone mineralization (Kossa stain)
Attach, spread, proliferate in Growth Med
500,000 HOb (2nd passage) frozen in Basal Medium w/ 10% FBS, 10% DMSO
Cryovial frozen HOb (406-05), Growth Medium (417-500), Subcltr Rgnt Kit (090K)
Shipped in Gr Med, 3rd psg (flasks or plates)
At least 10
Laboratory research use only (RUO). Not for human, clinical, diagnostic or veterinary use.
Instructions HOb Normal

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MSDS Cryopreserved Cells

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Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
Cryopreserved Human Osteoblasts Normal Tissue Total Kit, adult: 5x10^5 Cells (Adult), Medium & Subculture Reagents (See Details tab for specifics) Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: 406K-05a Price: $1,047.00
Cryopreserved Osteoblasts (HOb), adult: Frozen HOb (5x10^5) Size: 1 Cryovial CAT.#: 406-05a Price: $845.00
Cryopreserved Human Osteoblasts Normal Tissue Total Kit, fetal: 5x10^5 Cells, Medium & Subculture Reagents (See Details tab for Specifics) Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: 406K-05f Price: $1,047.00
Cryopreserved Osteoblasts (HOb), fetal: Frozen HOb (5x10^5) Size: 1 Cryovial CAT.#: 406-05f Price: $845.00
Proliferating Osteoblasts (HOb), adult: Actively growing, dividing cells, in medium Size: T-25 Flask CAT.#: 407-25a Price: $845.00
Proliferating Osteoblasts (HOb), adult: Actively growing, dividing cells, in medium Size: T-75 Flask CAT.#: 407-75a Price: $1,035.00
Proliferating Osteoblasts (HOb), adult: Actively growing, dividing cells, in medium Size: 24 Well CAT.#: 407-24Wa Price: $1,035.00
Proliferating Osteoblasts (HOb), adult: Actively growing, dividing cells, in medium Size: 96 Well CAT.#: 407-96Wa Price: $1,155.00
Proliferating Osteoblasts (HOb), fetal: Actively growing, dividing cells, in medium Size: T-25 Flask CAT.#: 407-25f Price: $845.00
Proliferating Osteoblasts (HOb), fetal: Actively growing, dividing cells, in medium Size: T-75 Flask CAT.#: 407-75f Price: $1,035.00
Proliferating Osteoblasts (HOb), fetal: Actively growing, dividing cells, in medium Size: 24 Well CAT.#: 407-24Wf Price: $1,035.00
Proliferating Osteoblasts (HOb), fetal: Actively growing, dividing cells in medium Size: 96 Well CAT.#: 407-96Wf Price: $1,155.00

Related Products

Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
HOb Basal Medium: Basal medium (contains no growth supplement).  Add GS before use. Size: 500 ml CAT.#: 416-500 Price: $93.00
HOb Differentiation Medium: Promotes cells to change from one type to another, more specialized Size: 250 ml CAT.#: 417D-250 Price: $149.00
HOb Growth Medium: All-in-one ready-to-use Size: 500 ml CAT.#: 417-500 Price: $143.00
HOb Growth Medium Kit: Basal medium & growth supplement sold together packaged separately Size: Yields 500 ml CAT.#: 417K-500 Price: $155.00
HOb Growth Medium, wo FBS: Growth medium without FBS Size: 500 ml CAT.#: 417F-500 Price: $155.00
HOb Growth Supplement: Added to Basal Medium to create Growth Medium Size: 50 ml CAT.#: 417-GS Price: $88.00

Extended Family Products

Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
Mouse BMPR2 Antibody: Mouse BMPR2 Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CP10368 Price: $457.00
Monoclonal Bone Morphogenic Protein 4, BMP-4, Antibody: Monoclonal Bone Morphogenic Protein 4, BMP-4, Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CB12470 Price: $302.00
Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP-2): Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Size: 10 ug CAT.#: RP1053-10 Price: $194.00
Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP-2): Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1053-100 Price: $624.00
Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 (BMP-2): Human Bone Morphogenetic Protein-2 Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1053-1000 Price: $5,327.00
Human BMP-2 ELISA Kit: Human Bone Morphogenic Protein-2 ELISA Kit Size: 96 Wells CAT.#: CL0311 Price: $500.00
Human BMP-4 ELISA Kit: Human Bone Morphogenic Protein-4 ELISA Kit Size: 96 Wells CAT.#: CL0314 Price: $500.00
Human BMP-5 ELISA Kit: Human Bone Morphogenic Protein-5 ELISA Kit Size: 96 Wells CAT.#: CL0310 Price: $500.00
Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF): Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor Size: 20 ug CAT.#: RP1060-20 Price: $194.00
Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF): Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1060-100 Price: $484.00
Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF): Human Connective Tissue Growth Factor Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1060-1000 Price: $4,090.00
Osteoblast RNA (HOb RNA), Adult: Total RNA prepared from Human Osteoblasts, adult Size: 10 ug CAT.#: 406-R10a Price: $514.00
Osteoblast RNA (HOb RNA), Adult: Total RNA prepared from Human Osteoblasts, adult Size: 25 ug CAT.#: 406-R25a Price: $1,028.00
Osteoblast RNA (HOb RNA), Fetal: Total RNA prepared from Human Osteoblasts, fetal Size: 10 ug CAT.#: 406-R10f Price: $398.00
Osteoblast RNA (HOb RNA), Fetal: Total RNA prepared from Human Osteoblasts, fetal Size: 25 ug CAT.#: 406-R25f Price: $796.00
Osteoblast RNA (HOb RNA), Re-Differentiated, Fetal: Total RNA prepared from Human Osteoblasts, Differentiated, fetal Size: 10 ug CAT.#: 406D-R10f Price: $465.00
Osteoblast RNA (HOb RNA), Re-Differentiated, Fetal: Total RNA prepared from Human Osteoblasts, Differentiated, fetal Size: 25 ug CAT.#: 406D-R25f Price: $930.00
Osteoblast RNA (HOb RNA), Stimulated, Adult: Total RNA prepared from Human Osteoblasts, Stimulated, adult Size: 10 ug CAT.#: 406S-R10a Price: $465.00
Osteoblast RNA (HOb RNA), Stimulated, Fetal: Total RNA prepared from Human Osteoblasts, Stimulated, fetal Size: 10 ug CAT.#: 406S-R10f Price: $514.00
Osteoblast RNA (HOb RNA), Stimulated, Fetal: Total RNA prepared from Human Osteoblasts, Stimulated, fetal Size: 25 ug CAT.#: 406S-R25f Price: $1,028.00
Osteoblast RNA (HOb RNA), Stimulated, Adult: Total RNA prepared from Human Osteoblasts, Stimulated, adult Size: 25 ug CAT.#: 406S-R25a Price: $930.00
Human Soluble Receptor Activator of NF-kB Ligand (RANK-Ligand): Human soluble Receptor Activator of NFκB Ligand Size: 10 ug CAT.#: RP1019-10 Price: $194.00
Human Soluble Receptor Activator of NF-kB Ligand (RANK-Ligand): Human soluble Receptor Activator of NFκB Ligand Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1019-100 Price: $624.00
Human Soluble Receptor Activator of NF-kB Ligand (RANK-Ligand): Human soluble Receptor Activator of NFκB Ligand Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1019-1000 Price: $5,327.00
Subculture Reagent Kit: 100 ml each of HBSS, Trypsin/EDTA & Trypsin Neutralizing Solution Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: 090K Price: $69.00
Human RANK-Ligand, Animal-Free: Human Soluble Receptor Activator of NFκB Ligand, Animal-Free Size: 10 ug CAT.#: RP1019AF-10 Price: $213.00
Human RANK-Ligand, Animal-Free: Human Soluble Receptor Activator of NFκB Ligand, Animal-Free Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1019AF-100 Price: $687.00
Human RANK-Ligand, Animal-Free: Human Soluble Receptor Activator of NFκB Ligand, Animal-Free Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1019AF-1000 Price: $5,860.00


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