MSDS Cryopreserved Cells
Instructions HLF
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Human Lung Fibroblasts (HLF) provide an excellent model system to study many aspects of human pulmonary function and pathophysiology.
HLF from Cell Applications, Inc. have been utilized in a number of research publications, for example to demonstrate
  • Differential gene expression, cytokines, growth factors and interleukins
  • Receptor activation, inhibition and receptor-interacting protein
  • Cell behavior changes, including synthesis of collagen and other extracellular matrix molecules, as well as actin reorganization, collagen contraction and fibroblast / myofibroblast trans-differentiation.
  • Lung disease, disorders and injury, including hypoxia, tissue rigidity, pulmonary fibrosis and hypertension
  • That unwanted cell growth can be inhibited, and that the healing process can be understood and improved
(Click to Enlarge) Human Lung Fibroblasts: HLF (L) immunolabeled for FSP (green) (R).


Normal healthy human lung parenchyma
No bacteria, yeast, fungi, mycoplasma, virus
Attach, spread, proliferate in Growth Med
500,000 HLF (1st passage) frozen in in Basal Medium w/ 10% FBS, 10% DMSO
Cryovial frozen HLF (506-05a or 506-05f), Gr Med (516-500), Subcltr Rgnt Kit (090K)
Shipped in Gr Med, 2nd psg (flasks or plates)
At least 12
Laboratory research use only (RUO). Not for human, clinical, diagnostic or veterinary use.


Instructions HLF

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MSDS Cryopreserved Cells

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Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
Cryopreserved Human Lung Fibroblast Total Kit, adult: 5x10^5 Cells (Adult), Medium & Subculture Reagents (See Details tab for specifics) Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: 506K-05a Price: $898.00
Cryopreserved Lung Fibroblasts (HLF), adult: Frozen HLF (5x10^5) Size: 1 Cryovial CAT.#: 506-05a Price: $710.00
Cryopreserved Human Lung Fibroblast Total Kit, fetal: Cells (Fetal), Medium & Subculture Reagents (See Details tab for specifics) Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: 506K-05f Price: $898.00
Cryopreserved Lung Fibroblasts (HLF), fetal: Frozen HLF (5x10^5) Size: 1 Cryovial CAT.#: 506-05f Price: $710.00
Proliferating Lung Fibroblasts (HLF), adult: Proliferating HLF Size: T-25 Flask CAT.#: 507-25a Price: $710.00
Proliferating Lung Fibroblasts (HLF), adult: Actively growing, dividing cells in medium Size: T-75 Flask CAT.#: 507-75a Price: $900.00
Proliferating Lung Fibroblasts (HLF), adult: Actively growing, dividing cells in medium Size: 24 Well CAT.#: 507-24Wa Price: $900.00
Proliferating Lung Fibroblasts (HLF), adult: Actively growing, dividing cells in medium Size: 96 Well CAT.#: 507-96Wa Price: $1,020.00
Proliferating Lung Fibroblasts (HLF), fetal: Actively growing, dividing cells in medium Size: T-25 Flask CAT.#: 507-25f Price: $710.00
Proliferating Lung Fibroblasts (HLF), fetal: Actively growing, dividing cells in medium Size: T-75 Flask CAT.#: 507-75f Price: $900.00
Proliferating Lung Fibroblasts (HLF), fetal: Actively growing, dividing cells in medium Size: 24 Well CAT.#: 507-24Wf Price: $900.00
Proliferating Lung Fibroblasts (HLF), fetal: Actively growing, dividing cells in medium Size: 96 Well CAT.#: 507-96Wf Price: $1,020.00

Related Products

Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
HLF Basal Medium: Basal medium (contains no growth supplement). Add GS before use. Size: 500 ml CAT.#: 515-500 Price: $84.00
HLF Growth Medium: All-in-one ready-to-use Size: 500 ml CAT.#: 516-500 Price: $129.00
HLF Growth Medium Kit: Basal medium & growth supplement sold together packaged separately Size: Yields 500 ml CAT.#: 516K-500 Price: $143.00
HLF Growth Supplement: Added to Basal Medium to create Growth Medium Size: 15 ml CAT.#: 516-GS Price: $74.00

Extended Family Products

Product Size CAT.# Price Quantity
Polyclonal Fibroblast Growth Factor 2 Rabbit Antibody: Polyclonal Fibroblast Growth Factor 2, FGF2 (bFGF), Rabbit Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CA0259 Price: $375.00
Polyclonal Fibroblast Growth Factor 7, KGF, Rabbit Antibody: Polyclonal Fibroblast Growth Factor 7, KGF, Rabbit Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CA0853 Price: $302.00
Rabbit Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 Antibody: Rabbit Fibroblast Growth Factor 8 Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CA1216 Price: $375.00
Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 Antibody: Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1 Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CP10102 Price: $413.00
Polyclonal Fibroblast Growth Factor-Receptor 2 Antibody: Polyclonal Fibroblast Growth Factor-Receptor 2 Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CB4365 Price: $333.00
Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase 4 Antibody: Mouse Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase 4 Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CP10103 Price: $413.00
Rabbit Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Antibody: Rabbit Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Antibody Size: 100 ul CAT.#: CA1052 Price: $375.00
Cytofect Fibroblast Transfection Kit (250 x 24-Wells): 250 x 24-Well Rxns Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: TF103K Price: $512.00
Cytofect Fibroblast Transfection Sample Kit (25 x 24-Wells): 25 x 24-Well Rxns Size: 1 Sample Kit CAT.#: TF103KS Price: $68.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 (FGF-21): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 Size: 20 ug CAT.#: RP1148-20 Price: $194.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 (FGF-21): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1148-100 Price: $484.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 (FGF-21): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1148-1000 Price: $3,175.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-22 (FGF-22): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-22 Size: 20 ug CAT.#: RP1068-20 Price: $194.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-22 (FGF-22): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-22 Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1068-100 Price: $624.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-22 (FGF-22): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-22 Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1068-1000 Price: $5,166.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4 (FGF-4): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4 Size: 25 ug CAT.#: RP1031-25 Price: $194.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4 (FGF-4): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4 Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1031-100 Price: $484.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4 (FGF-4): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-4 Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1031-1000 Price: $3,175.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Acidic (FGF-1): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic Size: 10 ug CAT.#: RP1029-10 Price: $81.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Acidic (FGF-1): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic Size: 50 ug CAT.#: RP1029-50 Price: $194.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor Acidic (FGF-1): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-acidic Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1029-1000 Price: $1,561.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 147 Basic (FGF-147 basic/FGF-2): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-147-basic Size: 10 ug CAT.#: RP1028-10 Price: $81.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 147 Basic (FGF-147 basic/FGF-2): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-147-basic Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1028-100 Price: $317.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 147 Basic (FGF-147 basic/FGF-2): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-147-basic Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1028-1000 Price: $1,561.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 154 Basic (FGF-basic 154 / FGF-2): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-154-basic Size: 10 ug CAT.#: RP1146-10 Price: $81.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 154 Basic (FGF-basic 154 / FGF-2): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-154-basic Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1146-100 Price: $253.00
Human Fibroblast Growth Factor 154 Basic (FGF-basic 154 / FGF-2): Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-154-basic Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1146-1000 Price: $1,561.00
Lung Fibroblast (HLF RNA), Fetal: Total RNA prepared from Human Lung Fibroblasts, fetal Size: 10 ug CAT.#: 506-R10f Price: $398.00
Lung Fibroblast (HLF RNA), Fetal: Total RNA prepared from Human Lung Fibroblasts, fetal Size: 25 ug CAT.#: 506-R25f Price: $796.00
Human Lung RNA: Total RNA prepared from human lung tissue Size: 50 ug CAT.#: 1H40-50 Price: $228.00
Human Lung RNA: Total RNA prepared from human lung tissue Size: 250 ug CAT.#: 1H40-250 Price: $851.00
Human Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF): Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor Size: 20 ug CAT.#: RP1008-20 Price: $194.00
Human Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF): Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1008-100 Price: $484.00
Human Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF): Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1008-1000 Price: $3,444.00
Human Gamma-Interferon Inducible Protein 10 (IP-10 / CXCL10): Human gamma-Interferon Inducible Protein 10 Size: 25 ug CAT.#: RP1127-25 Price: $194.00
Human Gamma-Interferon Inducible Protein 10 (IP-10 / CXCL10): Human gamma-Interferon Inducible Protein 10 Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1127-100 Price: $484.00
Human Gamma-Interferon Inducible Protein 10 (IP-10 / CXCL10): Human gamma-Interferon Inducible Protein 10 Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1127-1000 Price: $3,175.00
Human Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF): Human Migration Inhibitory Factor Size: 25 ug CAT.#: RP1153-25 Price: $194.00
Human Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF): Human Migration Inhibitory Factor Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1153-100 Price: $484.00
Human Migration Inhibitory Factor (MIF): Human Migration Inhibitory Factor Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1153-1000 Price: $3,175.00
Human MIF ELISA Kit: Human Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor ELISA Kit Size: 96 wells CAT.#: CL0813 Price: $511.00
Subculture Reagent Kit: 100 ml each of HBSS, Trypsin/EDTA & Trypsin Neutralizing Solution Size: 1 Kit CAT.#: 090K Price: $69.00
Human GM-CSF, Animal-Free: Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Animal-Free Size: 20 ug CAT.#: RP1008AF-20 Price: $213.00
Human GM-CSF, Animal-Free: Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Animal-Free Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1008AF-100 Price: $533.00
Human GM-CSF, Animal-Free: Human Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor, Animal-Free Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1008AF-1000 Price: $3,788.00
Human FGF-147 basic, Animal-Free: Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic-147, Animal-Free Size: 10 ug CAT.#: RP1028AF-10 Price: $89.00
Human FGF-147 basic, Animal-Free: Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic-147, Animal-Free Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1028AF-100 Price: $347.00
Human FGF-147 basic, Animal-Free: Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic-147, Animal-Free Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1028AF-1000 Price: $1,717.00
Human FGF-basic 154, Animal-Free: Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic-154, Animal-Free Size: 10 ug CAT.#: RP1146AF-10 Price: $89.00
Human FGF-basic 154, Animal-Free: Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic-154, Animal-Free Size: 100 ug CAT.#: RP1146AF-100 Price: $276.00
Human FGF-basic 154, Animal-Free: Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-basic-154, Animal-Free Size: 1000 ug CAT.#: RP1146AF-1000 Price: $1,717.00


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